Procter & Gamble (P&G)

Sales intern

June - August 2020 • Nashville, TN

What I liked

The work culture and type of work

What I wish was different

Was virtual during covid-19


Ask lots of questions!
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R&D and Process Development Engineer Intern

June - August 2020 • North Chicago, IL

What I liked

I loved the amount of agency P&G gave me over my work. I had 4 real, high capital, engineering projects that had real impact at my site. I was expected to deliver, but I also had excellent management and resources to help me learn and provide excellent outcomes. Great company culture and communication. I was also fortunate enough to be in person. I loved working with P&G and really see a future with the company.

What I wish was different

I personally don't have much to change. The internship program is well developed. I wish I had been a little braver and more confident in my work though. I was very afraid that employees would see my work as lesser since I was an intern, but by the end of my internship I realized how valuable and solid it was.


Build relationships within a company. The relationships you build will help you and your career far more than anything else.
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Controls Engineer Co-op

August 2019 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

Working at P&G is great. The culture is one that you won't find anywhere else. Everyone is incredibly helpful and willing to coach you in anything that may be from your projects, to business norms, to outside of work issues. Being a co-op, you are given meaningful work from day one. Much unlike other jobs where you could be doing busy work or nothing at all. They really invest in you and want you to learn as much as you can to benefit yourself and the company.

What I wish was different

P&G is a summer intern heavy company, that if you are in the "Off-Season" there will not be many other interns/co-op's. There is not much comradely on the same level than if you were there during the summer with a bunch of other interns/co-op's.


The company does not hire only for position. They want good people who are willing to grow for their entire career. They really see it as a two way street and being someone considering the company should really look highly upon this. Also, inquiring information about it in the interview process through higher up leadership that you talk to.
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Industrial Design Intern

May - August 2019 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

I loved how I was able to lead myself through my projects and take full responsibility for them. This pushed me to strengthen my time management skills as well as further my leadership skills.

What I wish was different

I wish that the desired outcome of my projects was a little bit more concrete. While open ended projects allowed for freedom of choice, it was hard to navigate at times.


If you consider P&G a potential employer for you after school, I would encourage to you take as much initiative as you can during the job. Get to know the team, organize your own brainstorm sessions, or anything else that could get you involved and working with others.
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Sales Intern

May - August 2019 • Kansas City, KS

What I liked

I loved the freedom and responsibility I was given. I felt like a real employee, not just a summer intern. I was treated like everyone else in the office.

What I wish was different

I wish I wasn't the only intern in my location.


If you want the job, put in all the effort you have and then some. When I saw this job posting I knew that I wanted to work for P&G so I used all of my resources and worked as hard as possible to land the job.
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Manufacturing Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Mehoopany Township, PA

What I liked

The organization of the program was phenomenal. They had all the boy interns in one large house and all the girls in another house. It was so much fun building relationship with the interns both in and out of the workplace. The projects assigned were prominent and required a ton of collaboration with the full time employees. I was able to make a difference at P&G in the 12 weeks I was there.

What I wish was different

I wish they had more travel in the program. I would love to have gone to another site and see how other products were manufactured.


Be as proactive as possible, and make it a priority to work with as many people in as many different management positions as possible. The more people know about what projects you work on the larger the impact you make on the company.
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Power Control and Information Systems Engineer

May - August 2019 • Greensboro, NC

What I liked

The company was very great to employees

What I wish was different

I wish I could have worked on more power related projects


Keep all projects organized and make sure you are making progress each week
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Manufacturing Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Bear River City, UT

What I liked

The immersive experience in a manufacturing setting. Getting to work with full-time engineers and help them solve real issues they are experiencing in the plant was rewarding. The hands-on experience helped me learn a lot.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time to interact with the engineers on site. They are all very busy so it is sometimes difficult to schedule time to meet with them.


Definitely know how to present yourself and present your work in a way that doesn't undermine the quality of your work. Managers won't see the work you've done if you don't show it to them, so hone your presentation skills and it'll take you a long way.
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CMK Intern

June - August 2019 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

What I wish was different


Be ready to learn. No one really knows exactly what they are doing, but they have an open mind and are willing to learn and accept they don't know everything. Having the willingness to learn and absorb information, you will do very well at this company.
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Associate Researcher co-op

May - August 2019 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

I was assigned my own personal project I had to see through. I was very independent and had my own work to do, which gave me a lot of experience as if I was actually working there. It gave me a lot of new qualities that helped me grow as a worker. It was also a paid internship which is a plus!

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time to be there. But it was still a great experience.


It helped me get some real world experience and see what a real professional setting is like. I gained so many qualities and experiences in a small amount of time. I have grown in independence, leadership, computer and social skills.
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Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Mason, OH

What I liked

I liked the company culture. They were very welcoming and really cared about the success of their employees

What I wish was different

I wish I was in a different role. After being in my role I realized that I didn’t really like the work I was doing.


Ask a lot of questions!!!
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Manufacturing Intern

May - August 2018 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

The people were all amazing and willing to help; the work was challenging and meaningful

What I wish was different

Miren up to date technology


Meet as many people as you can to move around the company
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Synchronized Planning Solutions Co-op

January - May 2018 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

Procter & Gamble treats its interns as full time employees, giving you not only projects but the ability to impact the business in a way that other companies would not allow you to do. On top of this you also have the opportunity to network and connect with other members of the company. The amount of responsibilities you have will make you feel like a full time employee.

What I wish was different

For my experience, the only thing I would change for this internship program would be the amount of guidance for the interns. The first couple of weeks to a month of starting, you will feel like you are doing nothing/learning nothing, with little guidance from your manager (this was my experience, obviously it's different depending on who your manager is).


The interview process may be difficult and despite the fact that your manager may be too busy to guide you, this internship will show you how to not only work in the role you are assigned to, but also how to work independently in a large corporate company. It may seem confusing and daunting at first, but stick with it and you will notice the rewards.
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Industrial Design Intern

August 2018 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

I like how independent and autonomous I can be with my projects.

What I wish was different

I wish my projects were slightly more collaborative.


I would say: follow your passions! Your time here is about learning what you're interested in and pursuing it.
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May - August 2018 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

I enjoyed the independence, however there was structure there that helped me when I needed it.

What I wish was different

I was not "technically" a part of P&G as a contractor, so I wish I was more involved in company wide events, but I was not technically part of the P&G team.


Definitely don't be afraid to mess up, you will learn it can get fixed and odds are it will never happen again.
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Engineering intern

May - August 2017 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

Complete ownership of my project, great work culture and emphasis on work-life balance

What I wish was different

Better housing options


Learn about different roles within the company - everyone I met was eager to share their experience and advice
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Product Supply Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Oxnard, CA

What I liked

Amazing company with great intern location in a great location

What I wish was different

Wish manufacturing plant assignments were not required upon full-time employment


Everyone is willing to help, so let them!
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Manufacturing Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Alexandria, LA

What I liked

The work was very relevant to the companies need and I felt like my time was impactful.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have worked a couole more weeks.


Time management and understanding the business need is crucial to success.
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Packaging Development R&D Intern

May - August 2018 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

The people working at P&G are all very passionate and driven. It is energizing working in an environment full of people who want to succeed.

What I wish was different


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Sales and Business Development Intern

May - August 2018 • Grand Rapids, MI

What I liked

They had a great training program and cool resources for interns! We got very structured project lists and I knew what was expected of me. Each intern had their own manager and so there was always available help. The company culture is general is also amazing!

What I wish was different

Work hours fed into personal life a lot and you're sort of expected to have eyes on your email at all times no matter what. I wish I had more information going in the the beginning about the kind of work I was going to be doing, because it would have reduced my confusion the first week!


It's a great opportunity to get your foot in the door of sales, marketing, and simply strategy work. Be ready to work hard and deliver great results. Know that locations are randomly selected and none of your choices might get chosen for you so be flexible.
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